Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beginning of the end

जब सड़क पर सूखे पत्तों के ढेर को देखता हूँ तो. . . 
जब उनका कर्च-कर्च कराहना सुनता हूँ तो. . . 
एहसास होता है कि यह जिस यश पर इतना गुमाँ करते हैं हम. . . 
जिन उपलब्धियों को अक्सर गिनवाते हैं हम. . . 
बस कुछ ही पलों की मेहमान हैं वो. . . 
फिर नये पत्तों के इंतज़ार में हैं वो. . . 
जल्द ही पेड़ फिर हरा-भरा होगा. . . 
पुराने की जगह कोई नया लेगा. . .
वक़्त नहीं लोग हैं गुज़रते...
छाया के लिए राही नहीं वही सूखे पत्ते हैं तरसते। 

Monday, March 30, 2015

An Unexpected Treat

Ever happened to be at the right place at just the right moment? It was a sunny Sunday afternoon of March in Kolkata and in search of some shade, we sneaked into a ground where a bunch of children were playing a cricket match. We made ourselves comfortable under a tree while we watched and cheered for the third-man who showed some excellent fielding skills.

Suddenly at some distance a magnificent sight caught our attention - 3 very young bikers were going in line while doing what we call a Perfect Wheelie ! We ran towards them and observed the bikers while they relayed from one corner of the ground to another with a new stunt each time. We were spellbound by the grace of these prodigies and how they made those dangerous stunts look so easy.

This is a small glimpse of our star - Charles, The Infinity Biker as he likes to call himself.


It is funny how one learns the most unfathomable virtues of life from the most unexpected people at the most unexpected places. We talked to Charles for a few minutes to take a glimpse into his life and I could not help noticing the passion and aggression in his seemingly calm eyes. We were dumbstruck when he told us that he learnt all these stunts by watching YouTube videos and he felt absolutely no pride in that. He talked about his achievements and his shows as a matter of fact as if every child of his age can do it.

A few excerpts from the talk we had with him:

How old are you Charles?

And what do you do?
I study in class 7 and the rest you just saw (laughs).

Since when are you doing these stunts? And do you do it professionally or just as a hobby? 
I am doing it for the last 3 years now. It is a hobby but we do go for some shows organised by Red Bull etc.

So where did you get your training from?
From YouTube. We observe the tutorial and international videos of bike stunts on the internet and try to copy them here every evening. We are group of 3-4 children (points to his friends) who help and guide each other. This is where we get our training.

That's just awesome. And what are the plans for your future?
(Chuckles) No plans of future right now. That is very far. Right now there is just practice and school.

So this was what made our day. Hope it does the same to you. Although we wished him luck while leaving but we knew that he didn't  need luck. Instead we thanked him heartily to teach us the true meaning of passion. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Void

Remember that crush from school? Of course you do. The one for whom you did so many silly things and were so sure that he or she will understand and appreciate your true and selfless love. Years pass and so does the pain of those heartbreaks of true loves. Yes plural. But still, even then whenever you come across that first one, there rises a void somewhere deep down, carved so beautifully and with so much dexterity as if it is the work of the finest craftsmen.

So what is this void? And with so many rules made by the people who probably never experienced it, is this unique creation of one's childhood justifiable? It is like that pit trap made by poachers for elephants which can be very easily hidden by hay or grass. None but the Earth realizes the depth and might of the hole. We all cover the pit, and move on in our hunt, initially waiting, but soon forgetting about it in the prolonged absence of the unfortunate elephant and in the presence of plethora of wildlife.

A lot of imaginative thoughts come and go during this period. Maybe the elephant couldn't have come because it was in a bigger trouble than us? What if the elephant knew about its co-ordinates all along and just used you (the poacher) for free food kept on the pit? Whatever the case maybe, the trap always grows deeper and deeper. You tell the jungle that there was never any pit, and even if it was, it is as full-house as Mumbai's footpath. Only that it isn't. And one day we accept. It cannot be.

The humming wind blows and whispers something in the ears of that hay and suddenly the whole hole is now lying in the ground. Naked. Open for all to see. You try desperate attempts to distract the unwanted seers. All in vain. You are judged, you are hurt, but most of all, you are confused. For all those years you convinced yourself that the jungle is much more than just an elephant-trap. For all those years you convinced the jungle that you are no less than an ideal poacher who hunts, sells, repeats. Then how in the world (jungle) can this huge blackhole be present here, sucking everything that tries to cover it into nothingness, you wonder.

I like to think that like a blackhole creates havoc in its surroundings, the universe as a whole is always unaffected by it. Similarly this void, like a distant supernova, erupts violently, regularly, but still can be easily accepted but can never be seen as a reality to the naked eyes of star-gazers.

It is something that reminds you of absence, a crucial ingredient in the synthesis of content and happiness. And eventually, a new star is always born at the place where once the blackhole had been. So who knows, while we are so engrossed in witnessing the rhythmic violent explosions, a new star might be forming; or beneath the displaced soil, a young tree might be sprouting. Who knows.


. . . . it is. #Placed #Relieved.

Scores of status updates have been posted using this or similar templates. I too waited to post this message for 4 and a half years and eventually the time did come. But the status didn't. It couldn't.

Probably it was the fatigue, or the urge to stay away from the crowd to look cool; but I like to think that there was a question that needed to be answered before feeling relieved. The question that whether the thing that I wanted the most is the thing that I really wanted.

To understand this, let us look back in our lives and try to encircle those events which matter the most today. It might not be true for few, but there is a high probability that most of those events were not anticipated by most of us. They happened when we were desperately trying for something better, or which seemed better at that time.

So these "accidents" which now shape our lives - is there a way to know whether they are taking you off the road or directing you towards your true destination? Please let me know if there is one. But till then, I will stay in my comfort zone and think that life does not decide our destinations, but our roads and their destinations shape our lives. I like to feel that we may have some talents, but it doesn't mean that if they remain undiscovered, we, as drivers won't know the right way. Christopher Columbus went exactly opposite to the way he planned to discover an alternate route to India. No doubt he failed in the most important venture of his life, but America wouldn't have been discovered had he been so accurately focused on his passion. Anil Kumble would have been a fine software engineer even if Britishers had not invented Cricket a century ago.

I am not saying that lack of focus on our true destiny is not advisable. I am trying to question (understand) the concept of true destiny. Destiny is something we make by making choices and by working our asses off. One can work for his passion, but one also can make work his passion. But either way, the destiny is not true, its "we" who have to be true to make a decent destiny.

To wrap up, I would like to leave you with a thought to ponder upon when you meet with a new accident that has the potential to shape your future. Just ask yourself this, "Can I make this accident worth meeting with".